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COMICS love (in no particular order):
These are all comics that I have at some point read all the way through (meaning, I may not be up-to-date on a few of them right now, but I definitely have been before), and enjoyed enough to try to keep up with :)
(comics with any mature content to speak of [anything more than a little cursing/swearing is what this means, stuff like ideological or explicit content, or a lot of cursing] are marked with an *)
Digger -
Lackadaisy - Family Man -
What Birds Know -
Kagerou* -
Hanna Is Not a Boy's Name -
Five Star -
Evil Diva -
* -
A Distant Soil* -
* -
Denizens! Attention! -
Broken Things* -
* -
Gunnerkrigg Court -
Zomben -
Godseeker -
Guilded Age -
Everblue -
Year of the Turtle -
Dreamless -
* -
Johnny Wander - Trying Human* -
* -
* -
- My Immortal* -
- The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal - FreakAngels* - No Need For Bushido -
Completed/stalled Comics:
Under Lock and Key -
Bite Me -
The Good Crook -
The Hub* -
Scattered Leaves © Shannon Dixon | RSS